None of these are values that I have seen. To add insult to injury, Devons web site boasts about how they won’t bury problems by closing tickets before they are through and how much they value fairness. Apparently it was for complaining to Devon customer service about how I was getting treated in the forums. Why? No explanation was given after I asked repeatedly. Unfortunately, Devon people do not suffer fools gladly and I have been suddenly and permanently banned from their forums. I was really hoping that many of Devon’s products would be very helpful for those of us who struggle to organize information on a daily basis. I have some genuine learning disabilities as the result of injuries suffered in service to my country (disabled vet). And that’s from the moderators and the forum experts. But beware, the forums allow far too much “RTFM” type commentaries, “what’s wrong with you”, etc.
#The brain 9 software vs devonthink vs manuals
You are going to spend a lot of time in the manuals and asking dumb questions on their forums.
#The brain 9 software vs devonthink vs software
They offer great software but it is also highly complex. This company has terrible customer service. xd from the list of plain text extensions as this is also used by binary Adobe XD files.